Flax weaving projects

photo of a flax flower

photo of a flax fantail

photo of a woven flax wristband

photo of a woven flax star

photo of a woven flax poppy

photo of a woven flax necklet

photo of a flax belt

photo of open kupenga weave

photo of a person wearing a woven flax sun visor hat

Simple weaving projects:

Weaving a flax flower
Ko te raranga i te putiputi
A quick and easy project for a beginner in flax weaving, which can be woven from any variety of New Zealand flax. The instructions are available in English and in te reo Māori.

Wristbands — another good project for beginners
Tauri mō te tama tāne (me te kōtiro)
The instructions are available in English and in te reo Māori.

The Steps Pattern — a pattern to weave around wristbands and handles.

Flax poppies — ideas for two different types of poppies.

Simple star, flat star and 3D star suitable for decorations or gift-wrapping

Angel made with shredded flax, and another design for an angel, with long flaxen hair

Weaving a curved four-plait
Te whiri-whā kōpiko
This plait is suitable to make a koru, spiral and jewellery. The instructions are available in English and in te reo Māori.

Jewellery made with curved and enclosed four-plaits

Four-plait cord and a six-plait cord suitable for hanging a pendant or as the handle(s) for a basket

Flax as gifts — several ideas on using flax pieces as both wrappings for gifts and as gifts in their own right.

More advanced weaving projects:

Weaving a flax fantail and netted flax
A fun project for anyone, using either fresh flax or netted and dyed flax.

Weaving an open-weave basket
This is for more experienced weavers who know how to start a kete with a plait base start.

Belt with a greenstone buckle.

Straight woven edge Finishing with a straight woven edge on a kete.

Water bottle cover Information on weaving a water bottle cover starting with a hexagonal weave base and finishing with a plaited cord top.

Flax planter Suggestions on how to use the waikawa style of basket to weave a flax planter for planting seedlings.

Sun-visor-style hat Information on weaving sun-visor-style using my book Weaving Baskets, Backpacks, Boxes and Other Projects for guidance.

Other ideas using flax

Using flax for foliage Ideas for using flax for foliage including instructions for shredded flax foliage ideas.

Flax butt handles for baskets.

Coloured pattern overlay Adding a coloured pattern to existing weaving.

Natural materials Adding natural materials such as shells to flaxworks.